Polyhedual Solo Variant
Set Up
Give one reroll card each to yourself and to the AI.
Shuffle the 6 dice cards and deal three cards on the AI’s side, from left to right.
The other 3 cards are yours.
Roll all the dice and set them up on their corresponding cards (remembering to always halve, rounded up, the roll of the d20, just as usual).
Golden Reroll Rule
The Golden Reroll Rule for the AI is this:
If the die chosen by the AI is lower than any die it might face next, use any rerolls available to roll the die until the new die value is higher than any possible opposing die OR you run out of reroll abilities.
Reroll abilities include the reroll card (which the AI, like the player, has only one use of), the d6’s ability (only available during a turn’s duel), and the bonus reroll if the AI lost the previous turn’s duel.
Each turn, the AI will choose the leftmost card on its side for the duel; slide it towards you. Apply the Golden Reroll Rule.
Then you choose your die.
The rest of the gameplay is the same as the 2-player game.
Scoring is the same as for the two-player game; if the AI didn’t use its reroll card, it scores +2 points just like a normal player would.