Cortiça Solo Variant

Set Up

You take the Blue workers and Blue cards; the Red workers and Red cards belong to the simulated player (SP).

Set up the player’s area and the SP’s area as in the regular game.

Arrange the beginning worker stack as in the regular game.

Set up the action cards as in the regular game.

A Note on SP’s Resource Cards

SP will automatically increment the bark card at the end of every round, and then exchange 2 bark for 1 cork if possible – this process is the game’s timer.

SP will not increment their trees card; it is always at value 4, purely for tie-breaking purposes.

Play Changes

Play follows the regular game with the following exceptions for the SP.

Place Workers: Changes

You place your workers as normal on the action spaces.

Whenever the SP places a worker, they will choose a space in the following way:

First worker placed: pick the first empty non-“Rest” action space closest to the “Rest” card.

Second worker played: Find the longest unbroken segment of non-occupied action spaces. If there is a tie, pick the segment closest to the Rest action. In this segment, the SP places their worker in the rightmost action space.

Resolve Actions: Changes

You resolve your actions and return workers to the stack as usual.

The SP will return workers to the stack like a regular player, but the SP does not resolve actions except in one case, “Process”:

When the SP resolves the “Process” action, it will flip over one random plan card. (I do a quick shuffle of the cards, keeping their current facings, then select the top card to flip.)

End of Round: Changes

Increment the SP bark counter by 1. If the SP bark counter is now at 2, the SP pays the 2 bark to create 1 cork.

If either the player or the SP has 6 or more cork, the game ends. Otherwise, it’s time to change the row of actions:

If one of your workers is at the bottom of the stack, you select the action card to turn into the “Rest” action as in the regular game. If instead one of the SP’s workers is at the bottom of the stack, it will select the “Process” card to turn into the “Rest” action; if “Process” is not available to select, it will instead select the rightmost action card.

Winning the Game

As in the regular game, if you have more cork than the SP does, you win!

(This should usually be more than 6 cork.)