
  • Games of Note Played in February

    I played a lot of games in February, as per usual; revisited the Oniverse; and finalized a bag of tiny footprint games to keep me occupied when sick in bed.
  • Apropos of Board Games and More, Briefly

    Can a trivia game exist with just 18 cards instead of 800? With Peter C. Hayward's Apropos series, yes, it can! The Apropos series (such as Apropos of Board Games and Apropos of Movies) avoids common annoyances in many trivia games and is approachable to all, including the trivia-weary.
  • Traditional versus Legacy Campaigns

    Discussing the difference between legacy and traditional campaigns, because one cannot be substituted for the other, nor is one better than the other -- and unfortunately legacy and traditional as campaign types have been conflated with one another.
  • First Impressions of Age of Civilization

    I love Age of Civilization because it puts Vietnam on equal footing with Rome (as well as a lot of other civilizations/nations) but also it's a pretty decent civ game that's travel-sized and 30 minutes long and can be played solo. Let me tell you about my journaling campaign game variant
  • Games of Note Played in January

    Some of the games I played in January, 2024.

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